Web-Handling and Converting
Authored 10 books, 200 articles, 1,000 blog posts and more. TAPPI Fellow and Finest Faculty Awards, AIMCAL’s Presidents Award and more. Consulting in 1,000 plants. Taught my award winning and trademarked Web101 school to 5,000 students.
All photography provided by David Roisum
Winding machine designer, manager of winder R&D, Ph.D. from the Web Handling Research Center, consulting in 1,000 plants in the last 40 years
My award winning and trademarked Web101 class has been taken by 5,000 students.
For anyone working with webs ...
Weighing in at more than 750 pages, yet useable by anyone from operators to senior management, The Web Handling Handbook is the most comprehensive resource for anyone designing, maintaining and troubleshooting web, winding, converting and R2R machines. It is now available in print and e-book anywhere in the world and through several distributors.